4 Ways to Make Your Skincare Products Last

Skincare junkies love to hoard different skincare products that will last them for months or even years! Hoarding is also a part of the usual routine shopaholics employ when a massive sale occurs.

However, loading up on stocks on your favorite skincare items also has its downside. Most skincare products tend to spoil and go to waste when stored longer than their recommended shelf life.

But don’t worry! We are here to give you some of the easiest and most sustainable ways to make your skincare products last. Cost-effectivity and satisfaction are right within your fingertips!

Keep it in a cool and dry place

This tip may be usual, but this is the key to making your skincare holy grails last.

Keeping your skincare products in a place away from dirt and extreme temperature would be the first step to not wasting your money by not using the products immediately.

According to Byrdie, placing your skincare products in the bathroom is highly discouraged as bathroom temperature shifts from time to time. Additionally, putting skincare products in the restroom will make them prone to molds when water gets into the container.

Experts recommend putting it in a drawer or anywhere safe, away from direct sunlight or wet areas.

Clean, clean, clean!

While skincare products help cleanse our face and body, they also need tender love and care!

Placing the products in sterilized and washed containers is what CrediHealth suggests if you wish to extend the shelf life of your skincare products. 

Moreover, regularly sanitizing your skincare tools such as spatula, face brushes, and sponges would also be a great step in ensuring the cleanliness of your products. This will also prevent germ contamination, the primary ground for spoilage of skincare. 

Buy within your means

Not to be frank, but we must learn how to stop overspending and overbuying products beyond our means. Make sure to follow your list and avoid hoarding!

Zoe Weiner of Well+Good suggests buying skincare products that you think you’ll use soon. They also advise avoiding stocking up on products that have a near expiration to prevent spoilage.

Opting for budget-friendly skincare products in bigger sizes is the way to go! Brands like VIYLine Skincare offer products in sizes that will surely last for a long time without breaking the bank!

Invest in a skincare fridge

Skincare fridge became a trend in 2017 and is still a thing today. Research says that cool temperatures can extend the shelf life of some products and help in the degradation of bacteria. 

Investing in a skincare fridge is highly suggested as it is beneficial in maintaining the cleanliness, sterilization, and solidification of your skincare products. 

Skincare fridges usually range from PHP2,000 to PHP 8,000, but a single one will last you for years. Therefore no amount of your hard-earned money will go to waste!

Using your home refrigerators can be a good alternative if you’re on a budget, as they work the same. But make sure to keep it in separate storage or container before putting it inside the fridge to avoid contamination with other food items. 

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