Bet on you Viviy!

Guess who’s the next future vlogger in town?

It is Viy Cortez’s and Cong Velasquez’s unborn baby, “Kidlat”!

The big question that piques the mind however is whether baby “Kidlat” a young
down-to-earth Lincoln or a young kikay Viy?

More than a week ago, Viy, being a new enthusiastic mother after her unfortunate miscarriage, got
excited and at the same time cautious regarding her pregnancy prior to her previous health concerns.

Hence, the couple decided to get a Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) to assess and identify
the health status of baby Kidlat. In the advent of knowing the result of the conducted NIPT,
the couple would get to know the gender of baby Kidlat.

Cong, being the responsible father that he is, wants Kidlat to be a boy so that he can stand as the
protector of his mother and possible future siblings.

He also hopes to bond with his child through various hobbies like playing basketball and mobile games, and possibly teach him all the lessons he learned in his life.

Viy on the other hand would like to have Kidlat as a kikay baby that she can share her clothes with and at the same time raise her as someone who would be as responsible as her parents.

With all that said, regardless of the result of the test, the couple wouldn’t mind whether Kidlat would
be a boy or a girl, as long as the future vlogger and business magnate would be healthy and safe.

Now, the challenge to us viewers is to stay tuned on the next vlog of the couple to know the gender
of baby Kidlat. On my part, I’ll put all my bet on our “Viviy”.

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